N.O.A.H have released their new single ‘Stay Here’. I spoke with drummer Ronan Hynes about the new single, prospects of a new EP in the coming months and their upcoming gigs.
Hynes and I spoke after the band’s exciting Electric Picnic performance. With all the madness that goes on at the festival, the now hoarse drummer explained how well the show went down.
“Yeah, it was great. We went down on the Friday and we didn’t play until Sunday but we did a lot of networking between Friday and Saturday and then played on the Sunday and we were quite shocked at the amount of people that we got down, for the time anyway, because it was twenty to one, I think, on the Jerry Fish stage. So we felt that a lot of people would be hungover or wouldnt be at the festival yet so we were delighted to get around 200 odd people down to the tent at that hour so it went really well.
“To be honest it’s still one of those things to us, that’s kind of unusual. We’re still not used to that either. It feels great and obviously, it’s quite reassuring that we put a lot of work and a lot of effort into making music and trying to get it out there in the smartest way possible. So to realize that it’s connecting with people and they’re starting to feel the need to come and see us and check us out. It’s really special and we’re really taken aback by it. “
The band have self-produced ‘Stay Here’, with mixing and finessing by Grammy Winning Ruadhri Cushnan. We discussed how producing their own track gave the band confidence and empowered them.
“Yeah, I think it is quite empowering because when you’re working with producers and other people are involved in the process of songwriting or just the overall recording of a song, different people’s ideas can come in and sometimes it’s for the better and then sometimes, your own ideas may be the best for, a particular song. So yeah, definitely. This time around, being able to convey our own ideas and be confident in what we’re doing was really special to us because it is something that we are used to in terms of demos before we managed to get into the studio and a lot of the time because Adam, Adam studies music production in college so a lot of the time it is quite high quality to a point when we even wrote ‘Stay Here’, it was almost ready to be released. It just needed a little bit of cleaning up but not a lot, that makes us feel even better because it means that we can do this again and we can do it successfully again. So yeah, it certainly is empowering.“
“Yeah, and it’s super handy as well because one thing that we come up against quite a bit is time schedules. Sometimes it can be quite stressful for us when things are outside of our control. So the fact that we’ve released this and people have reacted in such a way to the song… that’s good for us. “
‘Stay Here’ is a groovy light tune filled with shimmering synths and ethereal melodies and shows a different side to the band’s sound. This subtle shift in sound keeps N.O.A.H’s music fresh and invigorating.
“It’s the progression, I suppose in ourselves and how we make songs, but it’s also an experimentation. Sometimes we want to show people of course that we’re not just a one-trick pony and we’ve said from the start that we don’t like being pigeonholed into one genre or one area of music. We like to explore and never let people know your next move kind of vibe you know, sometimes it might not work out, but we’re lucky enough so far, that it has been received quite well. In my own personal view of the song. It reminds me of, I suppose, because we’ve been learning, songwriting, production-wise and stuff like that it’s as if we wrote ‘Hands Up’ now that it’s almost like ‘Hands Up’s’ biggest brother. It’s on those vibes but yeah, it certainly is different. We want our fans to feel refreshed as well as ourselves, it’s for both parties really.”
There is a hypnotic synth melody running throughout the song and Hynes explained how that hook was the birth of the song.
“It literally started off with that kind of a loop and Ryan had his guitar going along with it. There was only probably around a 15-second loop between the guitar and that synth and all of a sudden it started to progress into something because we got a beat behind it. We got a lovely baseline from Adam, and it just started to expand and grow itself. In the end, it just grew legs and we had our Management and our PR saying that this is the single this is something that we need to release now. So yeah, it was actually rather quick, the way it grew and progressed and the last few singles that we’ve put out, haven’t necessarily been that easy in terms of how quickly they formed. So it was certainly a surprise to us, but it’s a good feeling as well because there’s nothing better than when a song comes together immediately and you’re just already excited to release it. But yeah, it did start from that strange little synth loop and progressed from there.“
‘Stay Here’ is a sweet and comforting track with lyrics that offer an unconditional, selfless vow to help a friend in need. Hynes explained to me how the band managed to create this soothing and comforting tone within the music to mirror the lyrics
“Usually how it works is the music always comes first. We all write lyrics and we all have our input once we have a theme and once we have something in which we can connect to but generally how we write songs would be that the music would come and then we will get the feeling from the music and that’s where our theme would then come in. Then we would go and start brainstorming how we were going to write it how we were going to project the overall message of the song and realistically with this song, it is something in which the lyricist observes and comforts a friend in need by giving themselves unconditionally without the need of recognition themselves. So we really wanted to bring out the human elements of the lyrics, and in some ways, it’s preaching what we all need to hear, because, we all have that friend or could be that friend within the story. That was something that we really wanted to convey to the listener. So yeah, it was really important in that way. We went for that soothing, and I suppose comforting elements of a story within these lyrics.”
N.O.A.H’s debut EP ‘Echoes of the Night’ grabbed the attention of those on the international music scene, not just the rock and noise genres. I wondered if the band felt pressure deciding what track would follow the success of that EP.
“I don’t think so, to be honest, because I think with the EP it came out and we’re always super excited for the next thing. We spend a long time working on things that come out and they’re brand new, but they’re not brand new to us. So we’re always moving on to the next idea and always the next step ahead. So for us, it’s more an excitement really. I think the only pressure to us is if we come up with an idea, and we look back and we don’t think it’s to a standard than say, you know, any of the songs on the EP, if we don’t feel that it could match one of them or fit into one of them then that’s where the pressure comes from a writing element. Other than that I think it’s more of an excitement really for us, we’re just excited for the next release. So we released this song on Friday, and we’re already thinking about the next one. So we’re quite happy. I suppose in a way we’ve got a short-term attention span when it comes to what we release because it’s just we’re always excited for the next thing.”
‘Stay Here’ feels like it is an appetizer for an EP or album to come and Hynes explained to me the band’s hopes for releasing music in the coming months.
“So we’re playing around with the idea of having an EP out by December. It’s not entirely confirmed as of yet but it is certainly something that the three of us are playing around with. In terms of an album, it would probably be this time next year before we get an album together because we do really want to sit down when it comes to an album and really spend time to get it all together and do it in a way that we’re happy with, that we can connect with. At the moment, we’re more needing to get ourselves out there on a live basis more so than constantly releasing studio songs. We still see ourselves as a small band and a band that’s still developing. So in order to do that, and in order to get more listeners, more fans, we need to be out there in front of people playing what we already have. So at the moment, it isn’t something that’s on the cards, album wise but certainly an EP you know, we are playing around with the idea. “
The past few months have also seen N.O.A.H dip their toes in the UK market. Working with Lander Pr the band secured regional UK radio play as well as their UK debut TV appearance on CBBC ‘Saturday Mashup’, the guys performed live on the show as well as taking part in games and comedy skits throughout. N.O.A.H also performed on Virgin Media Television’s 6′ O’Clock Show on May 27th. This opportunity gives the band more scope to gain fans and tour new places.
“Yeah, absolutely. You see all your peers and all the people you look up to, obviously they’re doing European tours, American tours and stuff like that and it certainly is something different when you can then turn around and see yourself getting on a plane to go play a gig. It’s something that’s quite surreal to us in a way. We can get in a car and go to Dublin and play a great gig and it feels good. But there’s something quite different about getting on a plane or a boat and going elsewhere to a different country and getting new fans over there. It certainly is exciting and with the UK market we certainly have been trying to get more and more vibes going over there. Thankfully, we have a PR company over there under Lander, so they’ve been helping us out quite a bit over there. So we’re really excited that we have a London gig and Manchester gig and a Glasgow gig coming up in November, and we’re really excited with that and then obviously to finish off those string of gigs in Whelan’s on the eighth of December is something that we’re extremely looking forward to because the last time we played there, the crowd was crazy. So we’re hoping that we can up that game even more to finish out the year. “
“I suppose it brings it all back, as I said, it’s quite surreal going to different countries and stuff like that to play. So then to bring it back to where we started, and almost bring it full circle again, it grounds us when we get there. But the crowd is the fourth member of our band so when they show up, it just makes it even more special for us and reminds us why we do it.”
N.O.A.H are building their sound superbly and fast becoming one of Ireland’s finest indie gems. ‘Stay Here’ is an intriguing glimpse of what’s to come from this talented band. Exciting times ahead.
Stream ‘Stay Here’ below
Author: Danu