Brand new electropop artist Throatsugar has released her debut single ‘Ascend’. Throatsugar is a new project from the multi-talented musician Colleen Heavey, a songwriting graduate who holds a master’s degree in Music Technology. I spoke with Colleen about the new single and her plans as she introduces this new project to the world.
“Basically, I’ve been writing my own music for 10/15 years, a long time. I was doing my degree in music and then I went on to be a teacher and now I’ve finished my master’s degree in production. I’ve been writing the whole time [but] I never released anything. So I got to a stage where I was like, Okay, I need to get over the imposter syndrome and just go for [it] because I had songs recorded and everything just sitting in the Google Drive. In terms of the name I knew I wanted a name that was in some way, visceral I guess would be the word. So I used a random word generator and I came up with a few combinations I really liked and I sent them to a few friends. One of my friends said throat sugar is vile and I loved that reaction so that’s why I chose it.”
Colleen has released her debut single ‘Ascend’. A debut track is a big deal. It announces your sound and musical style to listeners. Colleen told me she has a lot of songs written and we spoke about how she decided ‘Ascend’ was the perfect one to introduce her solo material.
” Ascend is my favourite song that I recorded so I was like, Okay, I’m going to choose the one that I guess gives me the most confidence. So I decided to start with that one because that is the one that for me I feel most comfortable with. I feel like it’s something I would enjoy and I would listen to. When people did ever ask to hear any songs of mine, that would be the one I would play for them. So I decided you know in order to start with even a miniscule degree of confidence, I would choose that.”
Colleen has a career’s worth of accomplishments to her name already. She has toured all over Ireland, the UK and the USA as a member of the band Brass Phantoms, and has performed at major festivals as well as opening for the likes of Delorentos and The Slow Readers Club. Music she has worked on in the past has been featured by the likes of BBC, RTE, and more. Colleen told me how daunting it is establishing her own sound away from the band.
“Yeah, it was terrifying. I never wanted to be the front woman. It’s never my thing, I love collaborating. So yeah, it was really scary for me. I’m really fortunate now because the song was recorded a long time ago with Mick Heffernan and he’s an amazing producer. He helped me a lot with it. One of my bandmates Greg [ Greg Whelan of Brass Phantoms] he is doing an amazing job, just monitoring all my PR and all that stuff. He’s been great, he’s given me a lot of confidence as well and really helped push me along. So yeah, with him it’s been a lot less scary and obviously we’ve worked together musically for so many years that it’s been great working with him. He’s put me at ease a lot which is nice.”
” I wish I had told myself sooner to not be so precious about it. I should have earlier on collaborated and gotten help from people and there’s so many people who want to help and want to be part of things. I lecture in the music college now and I’m always telling my students, if you’re going to release something, get someone to help you with it or maybe you can help release each other’s stuff or get someone to do your social media for you or maybe get a group of you together and make a spreadsheet of what playlists that you want to get on or who you want to contact, essentially just encouraging other people to collaborate because for me collaborating has absolutely got my career to the place it is.”
“I’m very fortunate that I’ve had experience in such a ridiculous array of things – a very quick rundown of my experience, there’s Brass Phantoms a kind of post punk band. Then I’m also a DJ and when I DJ I do everything but my main thing I DJ is metal music. So anything metal I’m really into. I’m also a big fan of math rock, and then especially in my masters I did a lot of compositions. I did electroacoustic composition and I did contemporary minimalist composition and obviously I’m really into production. So a lot of the time I’ll be writing a song and I’ll think okay, no, this is too weird, this is too niche. But it’s been great because I’m in a position where I feel I have a bit of an outsider’s perspective. I can think okay, I would like this but, what would the general public think or what would listeners think or you know, what kind of market am I tapping into and things like that. So yeah, I try not to get too weird when I write music.”
‘Ascend’ is a dynamic electronic pop track that exudes subtle cinematic undertones. It’s well layered and filled with intoxicating beats and dark ethereal electronics. Colleen explained how she crafted the song.
” I spent way too much time just layering it and stuff. I’m sure I made it on Logic Pro X, but I’m sure I still have the actual session somewhere. But even when I brought it to Mick [Heffernan], I don’t know how many different tracks or different layers were involved with it but it was a very long, painful, slow process. But it was great. It’s great working with someone like Mick Heffernan because he’s able to take what I have and build off of it. He doesn’t try to start his own thing he basically just tries to expand what I have and just refine the vocals because where I live it’s a bit noisy and the microphone is picking up a lot of things. But yeah, a huge amount of time. I recorded quite a long time ago, I feel like if I did it now I’d probably get through a little bit quicker. But yeah, when I was in my early stages of learning to record and produce at home, it was a long experimental process I guess.”
The lyrics within the song are beautifully evocative, eloquent and poetic and display another facet to Colleen as an artist, “Fill my blood with bitter warm sweet love. The colours in your mouth The feathers in my breath”. I wondered if she wrote the lyrics in a stream of consciousness.
“Yeah, I love what you say about stream of consciousness it’s definitely part of it for sure. One thing that inspired me was the poem “Night Piece” by James Joyce. I had read that recently and I knew I wanted the song to use that whole poem as a theme. As far as a narrative I don’t want to reveal too much about the meaning behind it but yeah I think the word stream of consciousness is absolutely right. It’s telling a story and I want to tell it in an abstract way so that people can derive their own meaning of it, which I think is important. I don’t want anyone to be like this is what the song is about and you’re not allowed interpret in your own way. I want it to be interpreted in whatever way the listener feels applies to them most.”
The artwork for the single is beautiful and adds a lovely dimension to the track. We discussed the concept behind the artwork.
“I was incredibly fortunate with the artwork. I didn’t know much in terms of visual art. Basically I’m not good at visuals at all. I knew what colors I wanted, and that was really about it. So I went onto Fiverr which is a freelance website and I found this incredible guy from Slovenia. He’s called ‘topcreativemind’. I messaged him and I explained what I was looking for and he was amazing. I couldn’t believe how many times he got back to me and he gave his opinion on what he thought was best and he just gave me loads of different options. We talked through what we didn’t like, and he listened to the song and it was cool to work with someone who actually did have a visual mind which I don’t have. He gave some insight as to what he thought was the best thing for the song and I love what he chose. He gave us loads of different options and combined all the things that I liked. So yeah, it was weird for me to use Fiverr but I would definitely recommend, we’ll definitely be using it again.”
People experience and consume music differently and it’s only when you are speaking in-depth with someone about songs and crafting them that you become aware that people enjoy music in different ways. Colleen and I discussed how people’s senses affect how they experience music.
“Yeah, I studied a little bit of synesthesia when I did my masters which is the whole, your senses crossing over and I’ve never had visual synesthesia, which is like conjuring up pictures in your brain but music for me, especially when it’s played through decent quality headphones I get a very euphoric brain tickling sensation. When I DJ and the music is blasting, I find myself just smiling uncontrollably. I just feel a lot of euphoria with music, whether it’s happy or sad. It just tickles my brain in that right way. It doesn’t necessarily matter what the music is, pretty much anything of any quality even if it’s just a phone recording can often hit me in the right spot, which is pretty cool. I know a lot of other people have that as well so it’s a nice thing to experience.”
Throatsugar is an exciting project with a sound full of invigorating textures and melodies that would be fantastic to hear in a live setting. Colleen told me what she has planned for the project in the coming months and if we can expect any live shows.
“That’s a great question. My answer has always been no because I want to be just a digital artist. Now, I would say I wouldn’t rule anything out. But at the minute like I said I’m not crazy being a frontwoman. I love everything behind the scenes. I love producing I’m happy to sing when recording and everything like that. I can sit for hours mixing and stuff. But yeah, I’m not going to rule it out is all I’ll say.”
“I have another single, which I have recorded. It’s actually pretty old. But I did a mini release of it many years ago and I got great feedback. It’s very different. It’s a lot more like pop. It’s different. But yeah, I think it’s a really fun kind of song. That’ll be ready to go I guess whenever the right time is, so I’ll definitely keep you updated.”
‘Ascend’ is an emotive tune dripping in ethereal tones and first-rate musicianship. The track boasts expressive soundscapes filled with pulsing beats, smooth vocals accompanied by soft R&B tones, and shimmering keys throughout. “Ascend” is an invigorating, immersive tune from Throatsugar that beckons repeat plays. Looking forward to hearing more from Throatsugar.
Stream ‘Ascend’ below
Author: Danu