Following the success of his debut single, ‘Time Out’, London-based pop singer-songwriter AJ Wander has now released his second track, ‘Way We Walk’. “Time Out” received 850k+ streams and 450k+ monthly listeners in only 3 weeks. Prior to the ongoing pandemic, AJ Wander had been running himself ragged playing covers at piano bars and hotels across the United Kingdom. Once lockdown hit, he turned all his energy and focus into creating his own music and pushing forward his solo career. Wander’s drive paid off as his new music led him to sign a management and recording deal with Elevation, a USA-based music company that specializes in artist development, and a publishing deal with BDi Music, administered globally by Bucks Music Group.
Melodically lush and heartfelt, ‘Way We Walk’ continues AJ Wander’s spine-tingling emotive song writing. Doused in uplifting and inspiring tones which contrast the earnest lyrics ‘Way We Walk’ drifts through anthemic instrumentation as a bright piano melody weaves between bubbling rhythms and warm guitar refrains creating an indie pop edge and expansive wall of sound. There are folk elements glimmering through lush pop soundscapes while the mesmerising, warm vocals of AJ Wander tie all the vibrant components together. He coos through the pulsing verses and showcases his rich depths and power through the explosive chorus as the instrumentation pushes and pulls creating a tense yet animated backdrop. ‘Way We Walk’ is a stunning second release from AJ Wander.
Lyrically, ‘Way We Walk’ centers around the end of a relationship, as Wander states, “I wrote ‘Way We Walk’ after an ex and I discovered the lie we’d been living together. We finally saw the truth that we weren’t made for each other and that ignorance isn’t always bliss.”
Stream ‘Way We Walk’ below
Author : Danu