BRONCHO have released their new album ‘Bad Behavior’ an infectious swirl of luscious, teasing and exhilaration tracks to keep you drooling for more. It’s a tasty collection of tracks filled with psychedelic indie pop, laid back tones and insanely catchy grooves to ensure a satisfying listen. ‘All Choked Up’ sets the EP in motion with its churning rhythm creating a danceable foundation for the buoyant guitars and smoky melody. The stop start beat establishes an atmosphere of suspense which is only subdued by the shredding slick guitar solo. This track is so sleek and glossy with dark undertones twirling beneath the hypnotic rhythm. The tracks on the album flow into each other with a smooth fluidity,‘Weekend’ continues the heavenly subtly psychedelic trip with ethereal guitars twinkling between a steady backdrop. Ryan Lindsey’s sweet falsetto vocals provide each song with a heavenly quality. The instrumentation is tight throughout- crafted to perfection with glorious guitar twinkles daintly accompanying Lindsey’s vocals and honeyed melody while the strong beat and elastic bass grooves between. ‘Boys Got To Go’ displays this perfectly, the melodic flow guarantees a soothing listening experience as soft guitars glisten playfully throughout before whining elegantly every so often. BRONCHO provide the most glorious comforting blanket with ‘Keep It In Line’. This track enfolds your ears in a candied soothing melody, beautifully weaved instrumentation and sedating vocals. It’s bouncy, bright but incredibly tranquilizing. These guys delicately unwrap their sound revealing lush textures with each track. Together they gel immaculately- each instrument has its part and yet the tunes they produce feel airy and freeing. The album continues to blossom with ‘Sandman’, bringing a slightly ominous tone into this dreamy mix. The guitar and bass in this track is riveting. The song bubbles and boils around the playful guitar as Lindsey creates a haunting atmosphere. It’s a little more gritty with a creepy almost sleazy vibe but an absolutely thrilling listen.’Undercover’ follows the darker tone of its predecessor lightening it with buoyant grooves stomping between a sliding swagger soaked melody and strutting guitars. This is one well crafted track.The subtle guitar changes from twinkling and gliding to prancing as they flood the track with panache and an infectious funk flavoured danceable quality. ‘Family Values’ is another infectious gem that is sure to put a smile on your face. If you can prise your ears away from the bouncy weaving instrumentation and focus on the lyrics BRONCHO showcase their humorous cheeky side,“I got a thing for your mother / I got a thing to teach your father”. One thing I have come to love about the Tulsa, Oklahoma-based band is their sublime ability to create dreamy woozy tunes like ‘Big City Boys’. Though the track is hazy and dreamy the instrumental backing is strong, pushing forward with a relentless goal of fun loving with a slick proficient style that is one to be admired. The summertime cruising ‘Get In My Car’ follows. The album version sounds a little tweaked and more crisp to the single version released last year. This summer time gem bops and wiggles over a smooth melody and gleaming guitars. Glissading over to a glam rock flavour, BRONCHO provide us with a tantalizing variety of genres to taste throughout this album. They close the album in the best possible way, leaving us hungry for more. The swagger steeped foot stomping danceable and infectious ‘Easy Way Out’ accomplishes this task without fail. It’s slick, pristine, panache driven indie rock drizzled in rock n’ roll flamboyance with nimble steamy guitar licks and a catchy melodic flow to keep us wanting to dance all night long.
BRONCHO is that band that are cool, fun and make you want to scream and tell everyone about. Their sound is appealing to everyone from the lazy daydreamer to the adrenaline punk-rocker and indie-head in between. The provocative lyrics, incredible musicianship and all out swaggering groovy persona within each track is what makes BRONCHO one heck of a band. The sound is distinctive, Lindsey’s vocals are distinctive and their tunes undeniably infectious. It’s music to make you feel, music to make you dance and bop or tap your foot and do air drums to while you relax on a lazy summer’s day, but either way you feel every delightful note.
Stream ‘Bad Behavior’ below