De Staat Live At The Academy Dublin With Support From New Valley Wolves

Dutch five piece De Staat took The Academy, Dublin by storm last night. A band renowned for their high energy, intoxicating live shows brought their trademark fun, shredding tunes and dancing to the Irish crowd who went utterly bonkers for the band. It was an incredible sight to behold.

Dublin’s rock ‘n’ roll duo New Valley Wolves took the task of warming up the crowd in their stride. ‘Shake Your Bones’ aptly kick starts their set loosening up the crowds hips. This band are a raw rock duo that produce no nonsense tracks saturated in steamy blues and gritty riffs. Their lusty sound filled the venue with razor sharp guitar lines and pulverising drum progressions that could shake the floor of hell. Their set is a battering assault of crashing rock at its purest. ‘Animal’, ‘Eyes On Me’ and ‘All You Do Is Talk’  wrestle the ears and command you to dance and mosh and the crowd gladly obliged – headbanging and bouncing to the duo’s infectious rock. There is little banter with the crowd – Jonny and Baz are there to rock our socks off and boy! they did. The duo were as tight as ever, musically impeccable and their sound dropped into the venue like a heavy atom bomb. Jonny’s vocals howl out the sharp spitting lyrics while he nimbly maneuvers through slick swagger-filled riffs with ease. There is a coolness to this band that oozes out of everything they play – well, that is until Baz describes them as  “dad rockers” to which Jonny replies “ don’t say that we will look un-cool”. The band play their new single which is due for release tomorrow ‘Snake Spit Venom’ – a catchy, acid drizzled slithery number laced in the neck breaking drums and fiery riffs that New Valley Wolves are known for. This band are professionals and are unfazed by the task of warming up the crowd. They sprawl their scorching tunes into the atmosphere consuming all with ears. I’ve seen these guys perform to a packed venue of their devoted fans moshing and jumping in unison a few times now so it’s refreshing to see the band perform to a new fresh-faced audience and see them win them over one by one until the crowd are moshing and wiggling by the final ballsy track ‘Fire In The Blood’. There is never a lagging moment in this duo’s set and they put on a whopping, fantastic show no matter the setting. 

De Staat enter, casually taking up their instruments as the crowd cheer in excited anticipation. Torre Florim the ever flamboyant and entertaining frontman dressed in a silver suit begins to wiggle and dance while he spits out the lyrics to ‘Me Time’. The five piece are an increasingly eccentric and energetic band and their show even more so. Last night De Staat’s set traveled between genres. Wobbly, piercing and intricate guitar maneuvers come from Vedran Mircetic, who is perhaps the most calm and collected person in the venue. His stance is simple and his guitar pedals are almost uncountable as he steps and strides his way between different combinations while producing the most exhilarating and unique sounds. ‘Down Town’ creates stomping frenzy among the audience. The rapid gallop of the track is a hyperactive infection that causes limbs to flail in every direction imaginable. Rocco Hueting multi-tasks between synths, percussion and guitar but it’s that ‘Pikachu’ dance he performs with Florim that is the icing on the cake. These guys create fun, dance-able tunes that bend your mind in many delicious ways. From the techno tones, the hip hop R&B elements of ‘Fake It Till You Make It’ and swag of ‘Peptalk’ and the psychedelic brain trampling of  ‘Make Way For The Passenger ‘ these guys create an atmosphere for you to let everything go and dance. Tim van Delft on drums creates those infectious grooves with finesse while occasionally standing to encourage the crowd’s frenzy and showcase his chic golden embossed shirt. The set goes from one high point to another as the mass sing along’s and Florim’s dance-filled antics continue. Florim ventures towards the crowd commanding them like his worshiping congregation. I don’t think there is even one person who didn’t know every word of the lyrics. Everyone knows when to clap and when to shout as Florim passes the mic to members of the crowd to sing the “You gotta help yourself”  lyric of  ‘Help Yourself’. However it is ‘Witch Doctor’ that is the most wonderful sight to behold. I’ve heard of it and always wanted to witness it first hand – anyone who has seen the ‘Best Animation in a Video UK Music Video Awards 2016′  winning video will be aware of the concept of Florim standing in the middle of a mass of people like some wicked circus ring-leader and commanding them into a circle of death. Well, last night when the band performed ‘Witch Doctor’ the crowd began this circle themselves as Florim stood at the front of the stage swirling his hands like a master puppeteer as if he was churning the crowd round while they jumped and moved in a circular motion. It was a whole room filled with a sea of bodies moving in one moshing mush. However, the fun did not end there. No way were the crowd going to let the show end there. The audience shouted for “one more tune” until the band returned for their electrifying encore. Jop van Summeren operates the bass with majesty creating unique and wacky sounds while laying down slinky grooves especially for closing track ‘KITTY KITTY’. ‘KITTY KITTY’ is one outstanding piece of work but I wondered how would it measure up live. Well…. pretty damn fantastic. That bass intro is brilliant live. It has the mystery and luring power that could introduce the main character in a Quentin Tarantino movie while also adding a sweet sleek quality to this adrenaline building track. The crowd erupted – singing, dancing and screaming throughout the song, A fantastic end to a riveting night. 

I was aware that De Staat put on a good show but last night it was from a whole other world. The five piece put on a whirlwind show and had the audience eating out of the palm of their hands, drooling for more. Once you see these guys live you will wonder what you have been doing with your life up to now. Maybe it’s the raw ecstasy of their tracks or the hyper rhythms, slinky guitar and psychedelic hues, but once you see them live De Staat become the drug you just can’t quit. 

Author : Danu

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