Event News – Isaac Butler Takeover

Isaac Butler will takeover our Instagram and Facebook for a live stream on Tuesday at 8.00 pm

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/indie_buddie/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/indiebuddie/

Isaac Butler‘s debut single ‘Moon Song’ went on to great success being picked up by German TV show “The Bachelorette”, appearing on the show which broadcasts to over 2 million viewers per episode. Since writing his first song at age 12, and going on to record it for a children’s charity CD, his first love has been music, complete with a passion for writing and performing his own original work.Isaac Butler’s previous singles ‘Moon Song’, ‘Rescue Me’ and ‘Young Forever’ have together racked up over 1 million streams on Spotify so far and he has now just released his brand new single ‘Paranoid’.

Butler’s sing along friendly tunes teamed with his velvety vocals and dynamic melodies makes his track stand out within the acoustic setting. He has previously recorded acoustic tracks for us here at Indie Buddie and they have been a delight on the ears. Looking forward to seeing what he brings to our live stream on Tuesday.

Isaac Butler has just released his new single ‘Paranoid’ check it out below

Author : Danu