Renowned session musician Jake Richardson, who has worked with Dermot Kennedy, Lyra, Mark Feehily, Robert Grace, Ryan Mack, and Tim Chadwick, has released his original Project “JNR” with his new single ‘Fallin’.
‘Fallin’ is a slick alternative pop tune that glissades along infectious grooves and wonderous melodies. The track is a fine display of Richardson’s fresh, immersive sound and is a joy to listen to. Smooth vocals coo between warm guitar lines, a buoyant bass and punctuated beats to create a laid-back, easy listening experience for listeners to indulge in. Boasting soft R&B tones and groovy jazz embellishments ‘Fallin’ is a musical gem that showcases Richardson’s exciting musicianship in all its glory.
Richardson states the track is “…about investing too much of yourself in someone too early when you’re not sure if the feeling is mutual”
Stream ‘Fallin’ below
Author: Danu