New York City-based bassist Lord Baltimore (Jack Doyle) has released the video to his single ‘Black Triptych’. ‘Black Triptych’ is a swagger-dipped slinky number as Lord Baltimore creates another dramatic and invigorating track through indie elements, rich percussion and eerie atmosphere. With haunting soundscapes swirling around strident pines on guitars while Doyle’s rich and deep vocals ache and exclaim over the catchy melody. His expressive vocals are always commanding however the lighter instrumental versus contrast the intense vocals superbly. The track bubbles and boils, creeping into the infectious chorus. The use of heavy beats and acoustic guitar injections freshens up the track while the fuzzed bass and conflicting soundscapes make this track invigorating and a joy to the ears.
The video is part ghost story, part love song, and part rap video pastiche. If you want to see sex dolls in bike crashes, ghosts hopped up on malt liquor, and a recently deceased cyclist coming to grips with the afterlife, this might just be the video for you.
About the video Doyle said: “‘Black Triptych’ is a study of grief and catharsis.Inspired by white painted “ghost like memorials that commemorate passed cyclists, the creative team found an often overlooked but hauntingly familiar visual metaphor to epitomize the nature of loss. In contrast to the gloomy subject matter, the video seeks to revel in macabre humour, finding levity in the form of vandalism .. traffic violations. .. loitering .. public drunkenness.. Indecency.. And disturbing the peace. All in celebration of the hope that perhaps death is not the end …”
Watch the video for ‘Black Triptych’ below
Author : Danu