Minutes To Midnight has released a video to his track ‘Love Field’ taken from his debut solo album ‘After 1989 – A Trip To Freedom’. After a long stint as an audio professional in the gaming industry, Simone (Minutes to Midnight) has now turned his focus into music production. After extensive experience working with other artists, arranging, co-writing, and mixing, M2M has decided to tell a very personal story of his in the medium of a concept album. ‘After 1989 – A Trip To Freedom’ is a thoroughly crafted concept, it’s the result of a personal journey through a painful family legacy during World War II, and the tumultuous decades that followed.
‘Love Field’ is another emotive display from Minutes To Midnight as he creates a chilling icy track with light piano twinkles and warm guitar jingles. The tune floats delicately on a lamenting tone as Simone builds its intricate parts softly to create rich qualities and diverse emotions throughout. With the drums adding a punch and bite between the rooted bass line there is a groovy almost funky jazz-like quality that creates a hopeful undertone. Simone coos over the smooth melody however the track is mostly instrumental with an audio clip depicting the events as they were reported at JFK’s Assassination. The superb build on the track creates tension as the guitars whine over the progressing backdrop. Its another striking track from Minutes To Midnight.
The video takes us through the arrival of JFK and his wife Jackie in Dallas before his infamous demise. Through a variety of black and white and colour video clips we see the joy, celebration and devastation created by one event as JFK is shot. The entire video tells this story in an honest and emotional way. Simone fantasises about waving at Jack and Jackie, or leaning over the window of a sixth floor, or being Abraham Zapruder, standing still while everything changes.
Watch the video for ‘Love Field’ below
Author : Danu