SODAPOP has released his new single ‘Kevin’s Famous Chili’. This luscious indie-pop ditty is a glorious example of SODAPOP’s sweet and charming sound. He coats a candied melody in hazy sun-kissed vibes to create a bright atmosphere while a light spritz on guitar injects a dash of zest into the song’s opulent soundscape. The ethereal and dreamy effect SODAPOP’s songs have is mesmerising, he has a talent for creating songs that flood with smooth melodies backed by expressive instrumentation making each release absolute manna to the ears. Filled with bouncy rhythms, smooth vocals and an upbeat atmosphere ‘Kevin’s Famous Chili’ is a magnificent example of this.
About the track SODAPOP said: “This song is a homage to the scene from The Office where Kevin spills his Kevin’s Famous Chili and desperately tries to scoop it back into the pot with loose papers. It’s simultaneously hilarious and depressing, which is how I feel about my life a good portion of the time. A while back I used Spotify’s Listen Alike feature and found me and Kevin’s actor’s listening habits are apparently 85% similar. So I can relate to him in many ways lol. My goal with this song is for Kev to hear it and be like ‘nice.’”
Stream ‘Kevin’s Famous Chili’ below
Author: Danu