London singer/songwriter AJ Wander has released his new single ‘When You Say I Love You’. I caught up with him to discuss the new single, what we can expect from his upcoming EP as well as the anxiety that comes with releasing new music.
“I don’t think I do. There’s a little bit of nervous excitement, I’d say, more of a relief to finally get them out in the world because I’ve heard them so many times. By the time they get released it’s a relief to finally not be the only one that’s listening to them. Because I have to listen to them so much in the process of creating them and getting them to the point where I feel I’m happy for them to be released and shown to the world that I’m mildly sick of them by the time they come out. So it’s definitely a bit of selfish relief, in that sense. But I mean, in terms of nervousness, in terms of how they’re going to be received, it’s so hard to put yourself in other people’s minds and work out what other people are gonna like.So I just find what’s right for myself and if it clicks with people, great if it doesn’t, then Que Será, Será, I’ll move on to the next one [song] .”
‘When You Say I Love You’ is an honest song with a heartfelt melody at it’s core. Wander explained to me how he crafted the song and what sparked him to write it.
“It was witnessing a friend’s relationship and them confiding in me about what’s going on in their situation that his girlfriend had fallen for him too fast. He’s like, Oh, shit, what’s going on? I didn’t quite expect things to move so quickly. He’d been pretending to sort of have the same level of feelings towards her as she did to him and that went on for a little while. Ultimately, he realized it wasn’t healthy. So then its him realizing that he has to be honest about his reservations and wanting to slow things down and speculating about how things are gonna go when he does actually tell her that he in fact, isn’t in love with her yet, but just wants to put the brakes on a little bit.”
At times the lyrics of the song are quite harsh “I could try to pretend but it hurts me to use you/ I’m having a ball and your having a blast I didn’t expect you to fall”. Wander’s warm vocal delivery shelters the listener from the full impact of these lyrics, perfectly highlighting the confusion and oftentimes panic that can occur when someone is honest in how they feel. I wondered if he found it difficult to decide how he would deliver this message in order to be respectful and tender lyrically.
“I didn’t really consider it to be honest. I guess it is a bit harsh. I wrote it pretty late at night and we were just sort of selfish about my friend’s perspective and not considering how she might have actually felt about fessing up that he’d been sort of pretending to feel something when he hadn’t, which obviously, it’s not a very good thing to do. So it wasn’t a conscious consideration, but I’m relieved to hear that you don’t think it’s too harsh. I think it’s a cliche, but the truth hurts sometimes, and I guess sometimes you just got to rip the band-aid off and say it. That’s the whole sentiment of the song, that even though it’s hard for you personally, you can’t just hide the truth from someone because you selfishly are going to find the conversation hard to have. So the song wears its heart on its sleeve and it doesn’t want to hide what it’s trying to say behind anything, that’s the whole point of the song is finally being completely transparent and honest.”
The song is one of several tracks recorded in London and Barcelona with producer Brad Mair (Dean Lewis, Jamie Cullum, Kygo). Mair is such a diverse producer and seems to bring out the best in the artists he works with and Wander explained to me how important working with a producer is for an artist.
“100% and it goes the same with writing as well. It’s always good to have outside influence. It jogs your mind into thinking in a different way or looking at things with a different perspective. I think it’s very much a collaborative process and we bounce off of each other to be honest in the room, and we also had Gethin [Williams] the guy that I wrote it with, sort of weighed in on the prod as well. So it was a three-way creative process. We will bounce off of each other and add our own little flavours to the track.”
Wander released a live video of him performing his previous single ‘Take It All’ in an old paper mill in Wembley. It’s a passionate performance that highlights the range and warmth of Wander’s voice while also giving a glimpse into the live full-band style of Wander.
“It’s great fun. There are lots of creepy mannequins dotted around, a few of them had some pretty tasty looking outfits, to be fair, I was a bit jealous. It was like walking through a horror-themed vintage store. It was great fun. It’s was just a quick sort of in and out. Those days go so quickly, filming days are just pretty relentless. People prodding you and seeing if your hair looks the least crap it could be. The band were great. I was very lucky to work with a bunch of great friends that happen to be great musicians. Yeah, it’s all good fun. I just recorded a live stripped version for ‘When You Say I Love You’ and there’s more video graphic content being made as well for some upcoming singles which is very exciting and I feel very lucky to be able to do because it’s expensive. It is crazy how much money you can spend on lights and stuff and smoke machines”
‘When You Say I Love You’ is a taster of Wander’s first EP due in late 2022 and the singer told me what we can expect from the upcoming EP.
“That is a very good question. If I was to sum up the lyrical topics of the EP it’s ‘intoxicated love’. Not necessarily all self-reflective but yeah, that seems to be the theme and it’s definitely a stepping stone from the sound that I have now into what’s coming next. I mean, the EP, beyond the next EP that’s coming out is already ready to go. So it definitely feels like a stepping stone towards where I’m headed sonically as an artist.”
Wander has an ability to write songs about other people’s life experiences giving him more scope to venture into themes and topics that are not necessarily about him and his life. This limitless songwriting inspiration gives Wander’s writing more diversity and relatability.
“Yeah, well, the thing is, my life is just a bit too boring to only write about my own life. I wish it wasn’t. I ran out of things to write about my own life when I was about 22. So I’ve been forced to improvise since then sort of seeking out other people’s drama. I’ve just been a massive gossip. Basically. I just hang out in hair salons, reading OK Magazine, Hello. OK, you know, all the classics, just seeking out song topics.”
Wander has been back performing live shows and we discussed how thrilling it feels to perform on stage. I also asked if there is the potential for a show in Ireland.
“It feels bloody good. I just wish I was doing more. I really want to go on the road that’s why I do it I think. I just want to be out in front of people, connecting with strangers through the songs I’ve written and seeing how people react in real-time. Touring the world, not even the world just touring the UK, touring London, touring even just my street. Just pop into my neighbour’s houses would suffice, but yeah, just to get on the road of some description would be great.
“There aren’t yet, there are conversations happening is what I’ll say. I’ve had Irish sort of touring slash Irish trips, planned a few times over the past few years, and they’ve all been cancelled because of COVID. So I’m really hoping to get over there as soon as possible. Fingers crossed it happens before the years out. That’s my aim.”
AJ Wander is an artist who is developing and refining his sound beautifully and his new single ‘When You Say I Love You’ is a delight to the ears. His piano anchored sound is flourishing as he adds catchy pop elements and cinematic undertones into the mix to create a compelling and moving listening experience. Each of his releases have been vibrant earworms and his knack for sweet melodies make his tracks dangerously addictive. If his velvety tone and earnest songwriting alone doesn’t pique your interest then his rich musicianship and irresistible melodies will get you for sure.
Stream ‘When You Say I Love You’ below
Author: Danu