Wild Youth

Genre: Indie pop
Bio: Coming off the back of their hit single ‘Champagne Butterflies’, Wild Youth are back with a fresh new indie-pop sound, with ‘Seventeen’. Having taken time out with family & friends during the pandemic, the guys spent time reflecting on the simplicity of their younger days and are back with this impressive single. Co-written by Conor O Donohoe & JC Stewart, and produced By Tristen Evans (The Vamps), Seventeen is the 1st single to be taken from Wild Youth’s upcoming EP.
Track: Seventeen
Why We Like It: This shimmering slice of indie-pop surges with emotion, nostalgic melodies and cinematic musicianship. Delicate keys flutter through a suspenseful rush on drums while supple guitar chimes throughout. The track is a joy to listen to and oozes heartfelt passion and a wonderfully bittersweet melody. ‘Seventeen’ is a breathtaking new single from Wild Youth.
You Can Follow Wild Youth On Facebook Here https://www.facebook.com/bandwildyouth
Stream ‘Seventeen’ below
Bobbi Arlo

Genre: Alternative pop
Bio : Alt pop sensation Bobbi Arlo has unleashed her highly anticipated new single ‘Parasite’. ‘Parasite’ marks the start of a new musical journey for Bobbi Arlo as she embarks on what promises to be a very exciting and hectic 2022.
Track: Parasite
Why We Like It: ‘Parasite’ presents the refreshing alternative pop sound of Bobbi Arlo through a chilled R&B perspective. The artist injects irresistible melodies into an intoxicating electronic backdrop while icy keys and pulsing beats create a contrasting push-pull effect. Filled with pristine vocals and lush backing vocals atop dark bubbling soundscapes the track is an enjoyable, musically immersive gem that showcases Arlo’s wonderful ability to create evocative music which exudes swagger, sass and earnestness all at once. Love it.
You can follow Bobbi Arlo on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/bobbiarloo
Stream ‘Parasite’ below
Alexis Kings

Genre: Indie
Bio: Alexis Kings have released the Metta remix of their song ‘Velvet’. Alexis Kings’ delivery is that of quintessential British rock & roll with a contemporary undertone made up of catchy hooks and melodic vocals. The band consists of Brendan Aherne (Vocals) and Fabio Bocca (Drums). Taking aspects of each member’s influence and fusing each style with elements of Country, Soul, Hip-hop and Funk sitting on top of a solid Rock n Roll base, they aim to create a sound distinctive to Alexis Kings.
Track: Velvet Metta Remix
Why We Like It: Metta puts a new spin on this swaggered single to create a chilled groove-rooted rendition for listeners to indulge in. Utilizing biting electronics and shimmering synths weaved between muggy beats and 70’s-esque disco elements this remix is a glitter ball of infectiousness that will repeat in your head for days. Press play and enjoy.
You can follow Alexis Kings on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/AlexisKingsMusic
Stream ‘Velvet Metta Remix’ below

Genre : Alternative pop
Bio : Tipperary artist Culleton has released her new single ‘Broken Mirror’.
Track: Broken Mirror
Why We Like It: It’s an enjoyably intoxicating display of alternative pop filled with bubbling hip hop moments and rich intricate production. Culleton presents a haunting and enticing tune that revolves around eerie twinkles on keys while asphyxiating beats punctuate the track’s airy soundscape. For the verses, Culleton’s raps break up the sweet vocal lulls that adorn the chorus in ghostly coos – the effect is a sublime, contrasting assault on the senses. Filled with enthralling textures and dark undertones ‘Broken Mirror’ is a thrilling new single from this talented artist.
You can follow Culleton on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/patsyjoculleton/
Stream ‘Black Mirror’ below
Bullet Girl

Genre: Post-punk
Bio: Bullet Girl have released their new single, ‘McViolence’. McViolence follows the band’s highly acclaimed previous single ‘The Hunt’. Where their previous single took on corrupt politicians, this time the band take aim at a culture of violence and toxic masculinity within groups of young men. The song was inspired by an unprovoked attack on two of the band members from a group of teenagers in their hometown.
Track: McViolence
Why We Like It: This thrilling tune is a swirling hotbed of post-punk angst and riveting musicianship. The band create a backdrop of sharp guitars and driving bass lines while pounding drums lay down a lean mean foundation that builds and intensifies to a glorious mammoth crescendo. ‘McViolence’ is an excitingly savage new tune from Bullet Girl and a sterling display of this band’s expressive sound and boundless talent. Prepare to be amazed.
You Can Follow Bullet Girl On Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/BulletGirlBand
Stream ‘McViolence’ below
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Author: Danu