Jack Rua, the ambitiously bold and innovative Irish Glam-pop artist, is set to release his debut eight-track mini-album, ‘Narcissus’ on June 26th. ‘Narcissus’ sees Jack Rua team up with producers Porridge, LOGUOS, Mattu, Tenderhook. and Rouleaux. Following the internationally-praised releases of ‘Scarlet A’, ‘Ego’, ‘Rise’, ‘Curious’, and the albums fifth and final single ‘Reflection’ released earlier this month the album charts the singer-songwriter’s journey after he graduated from college, moved away from home to New York City and broke up from a long-term relationship.
‘Narcissus’ wraps, contorts and dazzles as Jack Rua brings a vivid array of influences from glam rock, house and pop to create a full bodied, shimmering and utterly infectious collection of tracks. There is much vibrancy within as Rua entices the listener right into the album’s dark epicentre while keeping the danceable infectiousness alive throughout with wild dance explosions and slick glam rock swagger. It’s quite the enjoyable power pop gem.
‘Narcissus’ sets the Jack Rua experience in motion. He doesn’t do anything in half measures and his debut album is a sublime example of how Rua has mastered his craft through meticulous attention to detail and layering. Luring dark and eerie, Rua entices with flashing beat pulses before erupting into an implosive, tense EDM soundscape. ‘Narcissus’ is an intriguing start to the album and a fine display of Rua’s musicianship. He superbly teases and builds tension in his tracks, fermenting thrilling electronics to create bubbling coiling soundscapes of fragmented synths and dramatic electronic progressions. The talented Darce joins Rua for the sultry ‘Rise’.Well placed risqué lyrics are cooled by Rua’s soft vocals while the sticky electronics smother the backdrop in a humid haze. Darce’s raps punch through the sensual electronics as the track simmers and smoulders in a bubbling pop vapour.
Lyrically ‘Narcissus’ is a coming-of-age album which juxtaposes the joys of self-discovery with the personal and global anxieties you feel when you get a bit older.‘Curious’ playfully challenges binary thinking in terms of sexuality, beckoning you to “stop paying so much attention to your labels” and embrace “a new world” while ‘Ego (with LOGUOS)’ expresses a newfound appreciation that the artist began to feel for himself. The theatrical finger clicking and sultry ‘Scarlet A’ marks a turning point in the tracklist where Rua dives beneath his ego and explores the deeper and darker parts of himself. All this is set to an invigorating backdrop of dubstep elements, punchy rhythms and intoxicating electronics.
LOGUOS and Rua are quite the musical dream team, creating a shimmering summer pop anthem with crisp, infectious production and the passionate, euphoric musicianship of ‘Ego’ is quite the radio ready summer bop.
The artist’s scramble to be remembered in ‘Forget Me Not’ is deftly expressed through gripping, intense, intricate layering embellished only by the incomparable musical flair of Jack Rua. Each song exudes vibrancy and expressive musicianship to create the ultimate dance pop album ready to tantalize the listeners ears.
The album takes a turn with the melodious ‘Reckless Abandon’, however rather than brooding through a moody ballad Rua whacks out a dance infused 80’s anthemic number with lamenting guitar strides and power pop gusto. The harsher guitar elements slice through the pop mirages as the song spirals into a disco hued swirl of confusion. There is still composure within the track which is impressive. It’s a song about the despair that can occur in a situation wherein one can suddenly lose complete control. Rua displays passion through the coiling entwinement of this music. His vocals remain emotive yet composed.
The beautiful ‘Reflection’ brings the album to an end. Rua cools the tone for his finale ruminating on who he is and whether or not he likes what he sees in the mirror. With wispy electronics and a heavy thumping beat he closes the album after a whirlwind of acceptance, experimentation and self doubt to almost start it all again. Rua’s vocal delivery is simple with as little fuss as possible allowing the lyrics and his soft tone drift over the ethereal backdrop. It’s a powerful thought-provoking song to close a frantic and colourful album.
‘Narcissus’ is a fabulously fun and deeply personal album. Jack Rua announces his debut album with musical flair, prowess and compelling dance pop. This talented artist is fearless. He is not afraid to express his vulnerability and that is a quality to be admired. He is certainly an artist to keep an eye on. His tunes are a rebellious, catchy and wholly satisfying listening experience. I’ve witnessed Jack Rua blossom as an artist. Each track he has released to date has grown and built his rich, bold and intriguing sound to create a moving and unique collection of tracks that is polished and refined. He has become quite the dance pop connoisseur.
‘Narcissus’ will be released on June 26th until then you can stream Jack Rua’s recent single ‘Curious’ below
Author : Danu