Cork based noise pop outfit Deadbog have released their new self titled EP. The band formed in summer 2018 by friends Danny O’Shea (guitars and vocals) and Luke Daly (drums). After a number of gigs as a two piece, Rory Burke (guitar) and JJ Lee (bass) completed the line up.
Drenched in reverb with shoegaze elements swirling into a deep psychedelic pool of distortion, Deadbog’s EP is a richly blended four track concoction with equal measures of sweet and sour. The band melt soft dreamy melodies on top of acid soaked guitar and rich intricate rhythmic progressions to create intense moments of raw psych-tinged alternative rock through ‘Morning Swimmer’ and ‘Vending Machine’.With heavy instrumental crashes the tracks build becoming ominous and shrilling as light flickers on guitar progress to coarse pines soaring over thick heavy drum pounds and perilous rapid soundscapes. It’s a hard hitting collection of tracks however, amidst this onslaught of controlled chaos the band show glimpses of sweet delicacy and innocence.
There are very little vocals on the EP. When the vocals do appear it is through a wave of harmonies and expressions. In ’Behold the Coagula’ it’s the vocals and wistful melody that cool the tracks scorching intensity. Deadbog lay this melancholic melody and cooing vocals over a bubbling harsh backdrop of pounding drums and meandering guitars creating a wonderful contrast.‘Gurus’ begins with the most beautiful sweet guitar lament backed by a throbbing beat. The first half of this track ripples with clear and pristine clarity creating a time stopping moment within the EP before the band enhance the song building to its epic and hair raising crescendo.
Deadbog have created an EP that is rich in its intricacies with sweet melancholic and dreamy moments flickering between the band’s blast of controlled chaos. The intense and blistering instrumentation is created with such precision, as the band carefully allows the softer tender moments to flourish, almost untouched, in this frenzied atmosphere.It’s an impressive balancing act.
Stream ‘Deadbog’ EP below
Author : Danu