Blues singer Dubh Lee has released her latest single ‘Carousel’. The track was recorded in The Meadow recording studio in Co. Wicklow and the singer enlisted the help of David Griffin from New Secret Weapon to record the bass and drums for the track.In the past Dubh Lee has performed at events all over Ireland such as Electric Picnic and the Ruby Sessions, along with more intimate shows opening for acts such as Jack Lukeman and Bagatelle, and she supported jazz band Jimmy’s Cousin on their Irish tour in 2019. From folk beginnings she has transitioned from performing solo with an acoustic guitar to performing heavier material with a bassist and a drummer in 2020, now playing energetic live sets as a power trio featuring songs with blues and garage rock influences.
Raw relentless riffs and brawn laced bass lines adorn ‘Carousel’ in a lean mean wall of sound as Dubh Lee displays the power of her uncompromising blues rock. The track is well crafted and instrumentally deft as shredding guitar lines swelter and simmer though the groove infused backbone. Dubh Lee doesn’t overpower with this track instead she allows the instrumentation to hypnotically smoulder around her striking vocal delivery as the track straddles a fine line between folk and boisterous blues. The song, which lyrically deals with using partying as a coping mechanism is a tight number that builds superbly becoming more dynamic as it reaches its blazing crescendo. ‘Carousel’ is a raw cut and glimpse into the compelling sound of Dubh Lee.
Stream ‘Carousel’ below
Author : Danu