Innovative pop artist Jack Rua has released his debut single ‘Scarlet A’ which was produced by fellow BIMM Dublin alumni Tenderhook. and the nationally-lauded Michael Heffernan. Jack Rua has plans already in motion to collaborate with more prominent Irish artists, as well as to release an EP in late 2019/early 2020.
‘Scarlet A’ is a sultry dark concoction of luring entrapment as Jack Rua blends catchy pop elements with mysterious fermenting electronics to create an invigorating dance pop number. With sticky pulsing beat slaps supporting the infectious foot tapping foundation while subtle flashing electronics create an enticing soundscape its a wholly riveting song. This track captivates you within its polished clean production while the enslaving melody shackles this tune into your mind as Jack Rua’s smooth passionate vocals whisper, coo and seduce throughout. It’s a steamy, catchy number with a compelling edge that charms and bewitches with sublime musicianship.
About the track Jack Rua said : “Scarlet A’ unapologetically questions the nature of human attraction and monogamy, whilst simultaneously evoking its listener to contemplate modern fascination with superficial things.”
Watch the video for ‘Scarlet A’ below