Dublin Four-piece Emily 7 have released their new single and fan favourite from live sets ‘Oh Me Oh My’. I spoke to Kyle and Scott Bellow, Daniel Clarke and Brandon Craig about their new single, songwriting and their energetic stage presence.
The last time I spoke with Emily 7 the band was a two-piece consisting of brothers Kyle and Scott Bellow. At that time we discussed the potential of adding more members to the band and I was intrigued to find out what sparked the decision to welcome Daniel Clarke and Brandon Craig into the Emily 7 family.
Scott: “Well, over lockdown myself and Kyle, we really started to look into the production side of things a bit more, looking at it a bit more carefully and looking at the live sound at the time wasn’t half as, I suppose, good as it could be. We knew both Daniel and Brandon. I knew Brandon through college and we knew Daniel from gigging in the past together and just being on the scene. We always got on, we just made the decision to go from two to four, what was the worst that could have happened you know, and we’re happy we did”
The addition of two new members has given the band the ability to expand and evolve their sound to create rich diverse tunes and dynamic live performances.
Daniel: “Yeah, the sound definitely changed a lot just because it was like the two boys to begin with. So when me and Brandon came in we were like, what else can we do because the songs are already class to begin with. It was just supporting the arrangement bit that was their big thing.”
Brandon: “Yeah broadening the harmonic structure as well along with filling out the sound especially in recording and we looked to adding more instruments as well in the recording.”
Daniel: “Yeah I think in ‘Oh Me Oh My’ we have a piano. We’re changing constantly, seeing what we can do better and what we can add. It is the four brains thinking there and we all have different influences. It’s like, oh, what can I put in.”
Brandon: “We gel it together as well with our own unique styles and it blends you know. “
Daniel: “ It oddly works.”
Writing songs as part of Emily 7 is a collaborative process. Each member brings their strengths and styles into the rehearsal room and the result is a melting pot of shredding guitar, resounding drums, catchy melodies and a plethora of indie rock goodness.
Kyle: “I suppose the four of us would have our own ideas individually. Then we just bring them to the rehearsal and flesh it out from there. The odd time, we could come in with fully formed songs or whatever, but more often than not it’s bringing in the bare-bones structure to see what as a collective piece we can add to the song to make it the type of song we’d be happy to put out.”
Emily 7 have released their new single ‘Oh Me Oh My’. It’s a catchy tune that pivots around indie guitar hooks and buoyant rhythms which translate well in the recording. The song depicts the feelings of regret the day after a night out and the lyrics slowly reveal the memories of the protagonist as the song progresses.
Kyle: “That song in particular came very quick. Some songs you can find yourself gruelling over for a long period of time but fortunately that was very quick. From the initial writing of the song compared to the version we released, it’s completely different. When we were in the studio recording it, as Daniel mentioned, there was the four of our brains bouncing off each other. As the lads mentioned, there’s a piano in the final recording which was just one of them spur of the moment ideas and the backing vocals as well because that’s something we’ve never really experimented with before. It was just on the fly in the studio. So, it went through some development, from the initial song to what we came out with but we’re very happy with how it turned out in the end.”
Kyle and Daniel share main vocals on some of Emily 7’s songs providing a refreshing listening experience throughout their tunes. We discussed how they share out the different vocal parts and if they write songs with the other in mind for the vocal.
Daniel: “ It kind of just comes when I write the song. I’m like, oh, I won’t be able to sing this so I’ll ask Kyle to do it, type thing. It’s just something that clicks. I just know Kyle’s voice. So it’s like, oh, he’ll sound like he has more meaning when he’s saying this, as opposed to me.”
Kyle: “Yeah, If I bring the idea of a song in, I’ll end up singing it or vice versa if Daniel brings something in and I suppose just going from there and just figuring out the arrangements and then help to flesh it out and make it into the fully finished song that we’d like. It’s just something that happens naturally.”
“There’s a handful of songs I suppose where Daniel comes in with a song, he’ll sing the verse, I might do the chorus or vice versa and then I suppose thinking about the backing vocals and such but there’s no power struggles.”
Emily 7 exude swagger and energy on stage. From suave guitar poses or standing on the drum stool to effortless banter with the crowd, the band appear to have a tight and flawless stage persona. For a young band, they know how to put on a show and get the crowd moshing in a manic frenzy.
Scott: “To be honest, it is completely on the fly. It really does come from the crowd’s energy. Every gig is different. Every gig is unique. We don’t work off a script or even on some nights we will decide to play a certain song that hasn’t been in our set in a good while. It really does depend on the crowd, the venue and the gig and just really how we’re feeling I suppose. We put more focus into creating good music because that’s really what it’s about at the end of the day it’s not about a swagger really as such. We’re there to create good music and if the swagger comes along with that so be it. If people enjoy it, they enjoy it, if not f*ck off.”
‘Oh Me, Oh My’ is a great track live. I have seen Emily 7 live a few times and this particular song is a hit with their fans and the crowd seem to love bellowing back the lyrics.
Scott: “Yeah, well, for me personally I don’t write many of the lyrics but I see a lot of these tracks when they are just general ideas and we’re bouncing them around in the studio. When you work on something for a long time and then, you notice that other people are getting enjoyment out of it, it’s great. I think it’s the best feeling in the world. You can only keep these things secret for so long and you have to let it out to other people. I think I speak for the rest of the band as well there are some songs that I think we personally don’t even like ourselves. However, other people have gotten enjoyment out of it and I think that really is the main thing, to be honest.”
Daniel: “Yeah for me and Kyle [we] definitely have where it’s like, oh, I wrote this in my bedroom, and you’re like playing the venue and people are enjoying it.”
I wondered if it was the live reaction to the song that made the band release ‘Oh Me, Oh My’ as their next single.
Kyle: “We released a couple of tracks last year and any time we played that song people seemed to like it even if it wasn’t necessarily a gig like if we were in rehearsals, and some of our friends were with us they always seem to like that song so when it got around to recording the next single it was a no brainer really, considering other people liked [it] anytime we played it live. Hopefully, people like the recording as much as they like it live.”
Brandon: “ I’ve seen people singing it live before it was released as well. It was so easy to catch on to as well, but a lot of people, even that we knew personally as well they would be listening to the song and you’ll hear them singing along in the rehearsal as well.”
The four-piece are a young band making their imprint on the music industry with people like Liam Gallagher giving them a shoutout and brand endorsements from Fred Perry and Dr. Martens as well as playing their own sell-out headline shows in Whelan’s, The Workmans and The Grand Social. From their experience so far the band had some advice for a budding young band trying to make a name for themselves.
Scott: “To be honest, getting involved with other people is the main thing and don’t be too close to yourself. You really need to be willing and open to other ideas, collaborating with other people and communication is the main thing but just work really hard. I think that the decision I made years ago to start playing drums was probably the best decision. I’ve met some friends that I’ll know for the rest of my life. I’ve been in some wacky places and stuff. It’s not a choice that you’d regret. Give it your all and just enjoy what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
“I’ve made the choice now that I’m not going to be a bank manager in a couple of years. I just enjoy what I’m doing and the only reason someone would say don’t do it or anything they’ve obviously not tried it or experienced it themselves you know. I’m 19 and the stuff that we’ve done so far, I’m very proud of and I don’t think there is a lot of people this age that do stuff like that. I don’t think there’s a lot of people enjoying themselves this much in that sense. I’m really having the time of my life really. I love this band, I love gigging, I love releasing music it’s all great. It all just works out. It’s brilliant.”
Emily 7 have some exciting few months ahead and the quartet told me what is next on their plan for world domination
Scott; “ Well we will start with Dublin then the world. We will be playing This Is It Festival in The Grand Social on June 2nd and we’re also supporting THE K’S in The Workman’s Club on the 21st of May. So yeah we will be releasing more tracks, a collection of tracks, an EP at the end of the year. They’re really good tracks. I think in the past we’ve been patient to say the least in terms of releasing music. Yeah, we’ve been spending a lot of time rehearsing and, writing in the studio and we have a lot of new sounds and new ideas. But until then, you can catch us supporting THE K’S in The Workman’s Club on the 21st of May and playing at This Is It Festival in The Grand Social on June 2nd.”
Emily 7 are a hard-working and dynamic band who lace their songs with effervescent indie rock and oodles of talent. ‘Oh Me, Oh My’ is a fine example of this. The track is filled with jaunty guitars, a bustling bass and drum foundation and warm vocals. ‘Oh Me, Oh My’ is a satisfying new tune to indulge in again and again.
Stream ‘Oh Me, Oh My’ below
Author: Danu