Runway Lights have released their debut EP ‘What Defines A Villain’. Runway Lights are an experimental, alternative rock band from Dublin.In their short time together they have already graced the stages of a number of prestigious Dublin venues including The Workman’s Club, Whelan’s and The Button Factory, earning a reputation for their ferocious live sound.
‘What Defines A Villain’ is a compact intoxicating collection of Runway Lights bewitching musicianship. Each track is tightly weaved to form a wonderful tapestry of richly blended shades of light and dark to create an utterly compelling listening experience. ‘Broad Strokes’ kicks of the EP with magical whispered soundscapes flurrying like a gentle almost eerie breeze before the vocals kick in. The percussion taps and dances delicately through the chiming guitar and swirling synths. Almost straight away the band transports you to a world of magic and wonder portrayed through beautiful and mysterious musicianship. The track builds becoming more vibrant as the guitars and beat intensify. Runway Lights’ ability to create ominous tension and recoil back to lulling elegance and delicacy is mystifying. Their tracks are dark, sinister and sweetly soothing all at once. The short earthy instrumental sting of ‘Glass’ and the soothing ‘Sand’ and ‘Wash Away’ continue this perfectly with ethereal synths and airy atmospheres while the sublime guitar work adds a warm golden ray of light through the mystical mist and deft instrumental bursts. Louise O’Hanlon’s vocals are pristine and clear throughout this enchanting EP. She coos and lulls sweetly while flooding each track with emotion and passion. The melodies throughout the EP are luscious and silky with a sweet innocent undertone which contrasts beautifully against the heavier moments. ‘Red Letter’ displays this perfectly as it closes the EP with a melty warm melody filled with strength and passion as the crashing jagged guitars and punchy drums create that mighty punch and emotive backdrop.
Runway Lights have created an EP that is delicately charming, tranquilizing and heavily dynamic as they blend alternative rock into their soft synth atmosphere. Each track builds and grows wonderfully to create hair raising crescendos and explosive instrumental highs. This crisp and immaculate EP has been brewed and blended to perfection for an utterly tantalizing listening experience.
Stream ‘What Defines A Villain’ below
Author : Danu