The Grand Social presents:
“Social Connections”
A series of 16 live performances, recorded and broadcast on the internet.
December 15th- December 30th
Tickets are all FREE – Available from Tuesday, Dec 1st
Please Register
This project has been part-funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht Sport and Media from the Live Performance Support Scheme.

Social Connections is a series of 16 recorded live performances by a wonderful multi genre collection of Irish based artists. The Grand Social is delighted to open it’s doors with this fresh mixture of showcases by some of Ireland’s most iconic artists and a chance to explore the new breed of songwriters who are taking the scene by storm. The Grand Social has teamed up with collectives, booking agents, other venues and a multiple of friends to create Social Connections.
The Grand Social is also delighted to be a part of the Live Music Venue Collective which has created numerous days of work for the live entertainment industry during the pandemic by working together across the country. Find out more here.
The Grand Social : Please join us this December for any or even all of these amazing performances that will embrace you in the magic of music. Invite your friends and families from anywhere to the Grand Social. All tickets are free of charge and a live link will be mailed to you once you have registered.
The Grand Social have put together a diverse and talented selection of artists for an event which is sure to be enjoyable and brimming with good tunes and wonderful music.
Line up and date is here.
Dec 15th N.C. Lawlor 9pm
Dec 16th Jem Mitchel 9pm
Dec 17th Oliver Cole + Friends
Dec 18th Aoife Nessa Frances 9pm
Dec 19th Leila Jane 9pm
Dec 20th A.Smyth 9pm
Dec 21st The X Collective w/ Toshin, Shiv, Shy Mascot 9pm
Dec 22nd The Young Folk ( Elgin) 9pm
Dec 23rd Mongoose 9pm
Dec 24th Lemoncello 9pm
Dec 25th Liam Ó Maonlaí 9pm
Dec 26th MUNDY 9pm
Dec 27th SACK 9pm
Dec 28th SON 9pm
Dec 29th The Zen Arcade (former members from the Strypes) 9pm
Dec 30th Ryan O’Shaughnessy 9pm
Each performance will be accompanied by the work of Douglas O’Connor, a Dublin based photojournalist, who has spent a life time walking the streets of Dublin, camera in hand. Since the lockdowns began in 2020 he has continued to document the city in all of it’s nakedness, shy of people. Walk the quiet streets of Dublin through the eyes of O’Connor.
This series of images is taken from his book “Eat Yer Rent, Dublin Lockdown 2020” and can be seen at:
Author : Danu