Leeds indie rock band The Sheratons have released their new single ‘Part of a Picture’.The band is fronted by singer and lead guitarist Kane Bulleyment with Caty Labbett playing bass, Finley Ryan on guitar and the secret weapon powering the band, Emma Liu on drums. Since their formation they have caught the ears of BBC 6 DJ Steve Lamacq and BBC Introducing DJ Alan Raw.
‘Part of a Picture’ is a fluttering swoon of nostalgic indie at its most invigorating. Zest filled jangly guitar weaves radiant golden sunshine through the punchy drums and groove laced bass to create a youthful rush of adrenaline. The laid back vocals drift effortlessly over the melty melody while the vivid instrumentation floods the track in suspenseful bliss and kinetic energy.Its a catchy and instantly likeable number from The Sheratons.
Watch the video for ‘Part of a Picture’ below