Glasgow based musician The Standing Man aka Louis Carr has released his new album ‘Those Stories Of Old’. This rich collection of tracks takes Carr’s electronic infused sound and splashes it upon some R&B influences, indie aspects and soul elements to create a unique experimental album.’Those Stories Of Old’, ‘Do You See What I See (God’s A Wookie Man)’ and ‘You Flew Too High’ weave darkly smothered hip hop and electronic tones into the album as Carr coos and sings over flashing soundscapes and smooth grooves while the velvety melody drifts effortlessly over the fluctuant backdrop. The more eerie aspects of the album come in the form of ‘Sign My Love Over To You’ with creepy reverb vocals as the melancholic melody sweetens the haunting electronics while ‘I Lost My Love’ ventures into a heavier almost dubstep soundscape. Sometimes the vocal melody and instrumental backdrop appear separate like in ‘Diamond Eyes#’. The melody separates from the track as if its lifted slightly while the weaving instrumentation flickers and slaps beneath. The album is heavily electronic. The refreshing guitar moments and keys in the tracks glimmer as an undercurrent in the songs occasionally peering through the electronics. The guest vocals on the album are a surprising and pleasant surprise. ‘Meet Me’ is a standout track featuring the wonderful French / Parisian singer Noé on vocals as she sweetly contrasts Carr’s deep whispers while ethnic tones spiral and wisp beneath the beautiful vocal contrast. It’s has commercial quality elements yet exudes Carr’s unique and dark tone. ‘Keep On Pushing On’ follows this trend with tropical tones and an easy listening backdrop, it’s a refreshing lift in the album. Kat Dahlia is guest vocals on ‘I Aint Gettin No Help’ and adds a bad-ass quality to the album while ‘I’ll Lead You Home’ has a surprising country element. With twanging guitar and jangly piano the track is another sudden shift in the album. The Standing Man packs a lot of different genres and styles into this album from murky electronics, R&B, indie to county sometimes I wondered if it fit however, the shift in styles come across refreshing.
‘Those Stories Of Old’ is a unique album filled with intricate electronic backdrops wonderful guest vocalists, superb production and thick dark atmospheres. Not going to be everyone’s cup of tea as this album entwines around gloomy murky soundscapes and obscure moments but its The Standing Man’s style and an interesting glimpse into a unique artists mind.
Stream ‘Those Stories Of Old’ below