Birmingham based quartet Y!KES have released their new EP ‘MASS!VE’. A spine chilling collection of tracks filled with raw crunchy guitar lines, stabbing drums and manic dark soundscapes, ‘MASS!VE’ stays the course the band unleashed with their debut EP ‘Everything Pointless Is Correct’. The new EP captures the abrasive nature of Y!KES in a nutshell showcasing their unapologetic, gut-punching alternative grunge rock is a force to be reckoned with.
These guys have a knack with catchy guitar refrains which they mangle beneath wild unruly instrumentation while the odd guitar riff peers above the bands musical onslaught. ‘Pirouette’ follows this format perfectly. There is a ‘My Chemical Romance’ tone and Emo residue to the track which wallows within the songs underbelly – swarming with loathing and moody aggression.
Of course this bands instrumental prowess and flair is what makes them so intriguing however, it is Oli Long’s aggitated vocals which gives Y!KES enough drama and crazed intensity to take their sound to epic heights. His vocals are luring, moody and almost psychotic as he wails, growls and mumbles through the tracks creating quite the unique and exhilarating character for each song. This is especially shown in ‘Alice’. Long’s vocals slither with a gravelly texture truly displaying the sinister range and capabilities of his vocals. It’s utterly thrilling. With a 90’s rock bravado the verses are manic and full of surprises while the chorus is strong and melodic, all leading to a glorious ending, ‘Alice’ is one of the pinnacle moments on the EP.
The high intensity, mind frazzling rock doesn’t end after ‘Alice’, instead Y!kes expands from this point. The EP only gets better and heavier from here as the band push and explore the depths of their tantalizing sound. With a cinematic rush on guitars, shredding solos and melodic frantic flurries to delight the listener, ‘Door Frame Angel’ and ‘Faker’ take their triumphant place on the EP. Although just as coarse and sharp as previous tracks, the band inject sweeter melodies into the thrilling, alternative rock instrumental.
However it’s not all a screaming assault of alternative rock, final track ‘Step Away’ brings the album to a surprising close. Here the band effortlessly slip into a more indie pop outfit with light jaunty guitar riffage providing an indie spring through the buoyant drum progressions. There are glimmers of Sugar Cult, early Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes in this song. I have to hand it to these guys, they always deliver a slap in the face of some kind and this sunkissed and moody number is the rosy-hued ( yet dark themed ) gem to do it. Absolutely love it.
‘MASSIVE’ showcases Y!KES is growing and harnessing their raw unbridled rock to create music with a memorable balance between drama, anarchy and deft musicianship.The band have created an invigorating sound of their own to discuss themes of depression and conflicting emotions through anthemic tunes with choppy chords, gnarled vocals and ground shaking drums. It’s quite the masterpiece.
Stream ‘MASSIVE’ below
Author : Danu